Our Process

It all starts with an obligation free consultation.

At this meeting I get to know you and your business and what your goals are. Are you just starting out or are you looking to scale and expand? We will speak generally about your challenges and what your legal needs may be. 

This meeting will only be exploratory and no legal advice will be provided. At this point, I will be able to tell you whether I have the legal expertise to assist with your matter and whether it falls within our specialised services. If it does not, we will be up-front and let you know if we cannot assist you. Book here now.

Personalised Costing

Following our meeting, I will send you a personalised project costing that will outline everything we discussed with very transparent and fixed costs. My goal is to lead you through your entire product/service journey and to help you navigate the regulatory landscape that inevitably grows with your business

From here, you can decide what your level of investment may be. It might be that you only need contract templates for now. Or you may decide to embark on a large-scale labelling change or need an entire marketing campaign or website reviewed. It is within your power to choose. 

Prices are transparent and fixed (to a point)

The costs provided to you will contain the parameters of the ‘retainer’ and the amount will be fixed. The fixed project costs comes with a range of assumptions of how much time will be spent on the project – so you do not need to worry if you need to ask questions (that the legal costs will completely take you by surprise). As with any other project, if costs exceed the assumed estimates, then we will inform you of the increased costs (through a revised estimate) and we will require your authorisation before we proceed further. (see the Pricing section if you require more information about our pricing model

We invoice depending on the work. Either we complete the work and invoice you. Once the invoice is paid – we send you the work! Sometimes, if projects are larger, we can work on a monthly invoicing system. It all depends on what you need. 

Signed Engagement Agreement

I will provide you with an engagement agreement. Once you sign, SMAL Legal will officially represent you and we can start working together and I can provide you legal advice.


At every point, we will be transparent with you. If you have project goals and deadlines, we will do our best to meet them. At no point will you be left wondering how your lawyer is going. You will receive status reports and at the conclusion will receive your legal outcomes and a written letter of advice. 

You will receive legal advice.

At the conclusion of the engagement you will receive legal advice. No disclaimers. You will not receive ‘just a template’. When you engage a lawyer, you are entitled to the full suite of protections that come from the client/lawyer relationship such as privilege and SMAL Legal’s conduct is governed externally (it is not enough that we are wonderful people!) and we hold full insurance.